Good morning, world! I realize it's 9:45am and I'm calling that "morning," which totally matches everyone's stereotype for artists and their lazy schedules. In my defense, let me tell you - I've personally never hustled so hard in my life!
I just got a REAL night's sleep for the first time in weeks and I am psyched! I've been working against deadlines, wrapping up between 1 and 3 a.m. and then waking up to start all over at 7. This, for me, is truly not enough sleep!
Last night, I submitted a gargantuan project to the printer that will soon be proofed, printed, and shipped for Christmas. I don't think I'm spoiling any surprises by telling you that it's going to be a children's book!! Before submitting, I had to paint the artwork, scan it, edit it, and place text… then research the correct printer's margins and layouts and save the file just so. I have a deeper respect for publishers now… I had no idea the number of hours required to design a little book. I even had to download InDesign. (Which, by the way, woah. The power of Adobe. Good thing I don't have time to work on my logo, because you'd probably be seeing a new one within a few days!)
All this to say… the secrecy of holiday gifts makes blogging really difficult, as does my insane production schedule. So, this post is just to check in, say hey, take a quick breather after submitting that HUGE project… and now dive into the 10 projects I have left before SHIPPING DAY on the 19th!
What's a blog post without some pictures? Here are some fillers from December to give you a glimpse into life here at AJC...
The children's book has some teensy tiny kitties on its pages! (These are watercolor and gouache - tiny previews from 13x22" paintings.)
While painting the watercolors, I used frisket (masking fluid) again… but this time I was smart! I got a rubber cement remover tool to preserve my fingertips… you'll never torture me again, frisket!
Here you can see my crazy calendar for December. I left next Sunday open to study for my French final exam, but I have a feeling that won't be happening. I'm double-booked until the 19th, which I consider the latest possible date to ship anything. Do you feel as anxious as I do when you look at it?